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Why Test Metabolic Rate?
You want to lose weight. And if you are like millions of others world-wide, this is not your first attempt. Undoubtedly you think that losing weight is hard, and that keeping it off is even harder. You may want to believe in the largest trendy diet that promises "magical" results in mere days. It may be tempting to pursue some claim that you can eat all you want and still lose weight. But the human body cannot defy the laws of thermo-dynamics. To lose weight you have to expend more energy than you take in. In simple terms, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn.
Now wait! Are you saying to yourself, "I have heard all this before! You're talking about calorie restriction, deprivation, and tedious exercise. What makes this program any different than all the other ones I've ever failed on before?" The Answer is RESTING METABOLIC TESTING! Your resting metabolic rate will help you understand your unique & individual caloric needs.
By now we should all know the key to weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat. The problem in the past is that knowing how many calories you burn has been nothing more than a guess. How often have you heard that women need to eat 1200 calories a day to lose weight? Yet how could the same requirements be the same for all women? The truth is, the right number of calories is a highly sensitive number. 1200 calories may be too drastic a reduction, slowing your metabolic rate and making weight loss more difficult.
Identifying your metabolism is identifying your own personal sweet spot: that place where you are eating enough to keep your body calm and satisfied, yet keeping your metabolism burning as many calories as possible. When your goal weight is reached, the transition to maintenance should be subtle and natural.
A person gains or loses 1 pound of body weight when they consume or burn 3,500 more calories than her RMR. Therefore, if a person calculates their RMR to be 3,500 calories per day and they actually consume 3,000, over the course of one week they will have a net calorie deficit of 3,500 (500 calories x 7 days), leading to the loss of 1 pound of weight.


Your Resting Metabolic Rate
 Measures the number of calories your body burns at rest [RMR].  Is determined by measuring the amount of oxygen you consume while resting.  Tells you how many calories you would burn in a day – if you rested the entire day.  Can help you determine how many calories you should be eating each day to maintain, gain or lose weight.  A printout that teaches you about energy balance.  Comparison of your metabolic rate to what is "normal" for your height, weight, age, gender.  An estimate of the time it will take you to reach your goal weight.   We use the latest Indirect Calorimetry Analysis to measure Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR).
Learn Your Resting Metabolic Rate With Quick & Easy Testing.
Metabolism is the process of converting food into heat or energy. The speed and efficiency of this process is called the metabolic rate. This rate is unique to each individual and can be measured by the rate your body uses oxygen. With our metabolic analysis technology, your precise metabolic rate can be determined through a simple, painless breath test. This test will measure how many calories you burn at rest. From that, we can calculate how many calories you should eat per day based on your particular metabolic rate and your goals. Metabolic rates vary widely due to factors such as age, body composition and hormone levels. Therefore, knowing your unique metabolic rate gives you an accurate target range for calories consumed and calories burned.
Resting Metabolic Rate...The Dreaded Plateau
Nothing is more frustrating than the dreaded weight-loss plateau! When you're exercising regularly and eating right yet the scale just won't budge, it can make you want to just give up especially when you're repeatedly reminded that weight loss is as simple as "calories in, calories out." While that might be mathematically true, it doesn't tell the whole story. "It's not just the calories that are important but the source of calories and the nutrients in the calories."  A plateau is not necessarily a bad thing. This is actually good news. It means that your body is adjusting to its new weight and resetting the basal metabolic rate. Metabolic testing will keep you on top of these changes and help you adjust caloric intake accordingly!
There's a lot more to consider than just your food. A host of other variables can affect weight loss, performance, and overall health. You need to look at all the stressors in your life affecting your metabolism, including your workouts (are you overtraining?), environment, any nutritional deficiencies, mental health, emotional state, work, and lack of sleep. And of course you have your genetics to contend with.
The good news is you can control all of these factors, for the most part. To truly understand what you need to address, you first need to know what's going on beneath the surface.  Enter metabolic testing.
Your metabolism is simply the way your body gets energy from food and uses it to help you live your life. It sounds simple, but it affects everything from your fertility to your mood to whether you are one of those people who can eat whatever they want and never gain weight. (We all know one of those people).


Anyone can benefit from metabolic testing including: Individuals who desire to better understand their body's caloric needs for:
 Insulin Resistance  Diabetes Type 1, 2 or 3  Obesity  Childhood Obesity  Eating Disorder Recovery  Anyone who desires to lose weight.  Anyone who needs to gain weight.  Anyone who desires to maintain their ideal weight.  Anyone who must lose weight for specific health reasons.  Anyone who is undertaking Ultrasound, Laser and Radio Frequency Body Treatments.  Anyone with endocrine disorders such as thyroid problems.  Anyone involved in weight loss or exercise programs.  Athletes and Body Builders.  Anyone who wants to enhance their overall health and wellness!  Anyone who must lose weight for specific health reasons.


Proof of "normal" metabolism. Most overweight people are convinced they have a slow metabolism. The truth is that statistically, most overweight and obese individuals have average or higher than average metabolic rates. Taking a measurement removes the belief that they cannot lose weight. Seeing that their bodies can indeed burn calories can be very encouraging and motivating. Knowing which calories will burn fat is empowering!  Stabilize weight loss. Regardless of the method used to lose weight, a patient's RMR will decrease after weight loss. This makes it very easy for a person to re-gain weight and it is undoubtedly a factor in the high rate of relapse. It appears that in most cases, if a person can maintain his new weight for 6 months, his RMR will eventually rise to the expected level.  Frequent testing of RMR can be the key to surviving this crucial period. Pinpointing the precise number of calories necessary to maintain may be the most critical piece of information you need as you come off the high of finally reaching their weight loss goal and re-enter "real" life. True success is the person who loses weight, and then keeps it off!  Pinpoint caloric weight loss zone When restricting calories, knowing a baseline RMR is invaluable. Metabolic Analyzer will calculate a "weight loss zone" for those who wish to create a caloric deficit based on each individual's baseline RMR.  Detection and Diagnosis of Hypo-metabolism. In cases where a person has a clinically low metabolic rate, further diagnosis and treatment by a physician will be required before successful weight loss can be achieved.

What To Expect - It is as easy as 1-2-3!

SIMPLE PREPARATION: It's best to measure metabolic rate at a true resting level to enhance accuracy. On the day of your metabolic test, it is recommended that you:

  • Avoid eating anything for a minimum of four hours prior to being tested.
  • Avoid exercising or heavy physical exertion for 24 hours.
  • Avoid use of stimulants such as caffeine or alcohol for 24 hours.
  • Drink only room temperature water up to an hour before your test.
  • Take your medications as prescribed unless directed otherwise by your doctor.
  • If you have a condition that requires you to eat frequently, such as diabetes, you may eat no less than 4 hours before testing.

1. RELAX It is important that you be able to reach a resting state during your test. You should avoid activities such as exercise or stressful situations that will prevent you from relaxing for at least two hours prior to your test. Digesting a large meal, as well as taking stimulants, such as caffeine, can raise your metabolic rate and should also be avoided prior to your test.
2. GET HOOKED UP You will sit comfortably while being tested. The technician will place a nose clip on your nose and you will be given a disposable mouthpiece to breathe through. This mouthpiece is connected to the Calorimetry Metabolic Analyzer by a hose that will measure how much oxygen you are breathing out. It is very important that you breathe only through the mouthpiece so this measurement will be correct. Both the mouthpiece and the tubing are sterile items that will be used only for you.
3. BREATHE EASY Now, you just sit back and breathe easy. The system will indicate when it has calculated your metabolic rate. This takes approximately 10 minutes. The more relaxed and even your breathing, the quicker it will be able to determine your resting metabolic rate.
4. THE RESULTS Testing your metabolic rate will determine exactly how many calories you should consume to lose, maintain, or even gain weight. This is an excellent option if you want to pinpoint what caloric range you should stay within.
IT IS JUST THAT EASY!! In just a few minutes, we will know precisely how many calories your body is burning. Your diet can then be tailored to maintain the right caloric balance.
Not all calories are created equal....some calories will metabolize efficiently and actually help you burn fat while others will trip your fat storage switch and cause your body to store fat even on a restricted calorie diet!!! Proper nutritional assessment and eating right for your unique body type can put you back on the road to better health!


This test is not appropriate for anyone who relies on permanent oxygen support and cannot be off of their oxygen for more than four hours.


Yes, the test is safe for anyone at any age and is especially useful for helping overweight children five years and older, teens, adults, elderly, athletes and those who may not be eating enough.