Estevan Laser Health Clinic is pleased to offer Cold Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) as a non-invasive, pain free, safe alternative to traditional liposuction.  This treatment will assist you to lose inches, tighten and firm skin and reduce the look of stretch marks and cellulite.  The treatment will also aide with the detoxification of the body and flushing of the lymphatic system.  Results are lasting, provided you maintain sensible dietary intake and exercise habits. 

Clients usually require a series of treatments based on their individual situation and response and may have 2-3 treatments per week.  It is recommended to only treat one area at a time for best results.  Each appointment begins and ends with measurements being taken of the treatment area.  "Trouble spots" that are difficult to target with diet and exercise are able to be reduced.



The laser machine emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a reaction within the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids, glycerol and water and releasing them through channels in the cell membranes.  The components are then free to be used as energy as well as absorbed into the lymphatic system to be naturally flushed out of the body.  This process is the natural response of the body when it is using stored energy reserves; the treatment follows the natural body response.  The cold laser has no thermal effect on the tissues and does not damage skin, blood vessels or peripheral nerves.  Light exercise post treatment will aide in the complete metabolism and clearance of the free fatty acids from the body. 

In addition to the body contouring effects, there are other benefits.  The treatments can be used to ease the discomfort associated with lymphatic and thyroid issues and arthritis.  It can aide with the stimulation of blood and lymphatic circulation, generalized fitness, relief of stiffness, relaxation and detoxification and the treatment of scars and stretch marks!

Treatments are not a substitution for a healthy lifestyle.  All body types and shapes will benefit from treatments but the most immediately noticeable results will be found on individuals who are not obese, exercise and have trouble spots that are not responsive to diet and exercise.  Treatment areas include:  backs of arms, upper and lower abdomen, knees, upper and lower back, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, love handles, chins, and the male chest.  People who have the following conditions are not a candidate for treatment:  pacemakers or other implanted electrical devices, carcinomas, and pregnancy/breastfeeding.  It is contraindicated in clients with liver problems, Raynaud's disease, severe cold urticaria, cryoglobulemia, cold fiber hypoproteinemia. severe frostbite, and those with severe skin sensitivities.  Clients who have other acute diseases such as:  infectious disease, heart disease, and diabetes should receive medical consent from their physician prior to starting treatment.  Treatments can be tailored around certain medical issues if needed.




Laser Liposuction Treatment is a alternative to the more invasive surgical liposuction.  There are no incisions, no pain and no downtime.  During this 45 min treatment clients have lost between 1/2 to 2 inches in one area after just one treatment. 

The treatment begins with measuring the area to be treated.  Then the client is able to rest as the laser paddles are rested on the skin of the area to be treated.  Following the treatment the client spends 10 minutes on the vibration machine.

Length:  45 minutes (1 hour appointment total)


  • 30 min on laser machine
  • 10 min vibration trainer session





lose inches now

Lose inches now is a combination treatment that uses both a 45 minute Laser Liposuction Treatment followed by the Detoxifying Body Wrap.  Inch loss of 1 to 4 inches has been demonstrated as well as significant reduction in the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.  This treatment is recommended as the initial treatment as it can reduce the need for subsequent laser treatments. 

Length:  90 minutes (2 hour appointment total)


  • 30 min on laser machine
  • 10 min vibration trainer session
  • 45 min detoxifying body wrap